Day 3 - Södermanland

Sö 131 - Lundby

Jun 13, 2021

Lundby, Södermanland, Sweden

Richard Dybeck excavated this runestone in the mid-19th century, when only a few inches of it was above ground.

There used to be the remains of a stone ship near Sö 131, but it has now completely disappeared.


᛬ ᛋᛒᛁᚢᛏᛁ ᛬ ᚼᛅᛚᚠᛏᛅᚾ ᛬ ᚦᛅᛁᛦ ᛬ ᚱᛅᛁᛋᚦᚢ ᛬ ᛋᛏᛅᛁᚾ ᛬ ᚦᛅᚾᛋᛁ ᛬ ᛂᚠᛏᛁᛦ ᛬ ᛋᚴᛅᚱᚦᛅ ᛬ ᛒᚱᚢᚦᚢᚱ ᛋᛁᚾ ᛬ ᚠᚢᚱ ᛬ ᛅᚢᛋᛏᚱ ᛬ ᚼᛁᚦᛅᚾ ᛬ ᛘᛁᚦ ᛬ ᛁᚴᚢᛅᚱᛁ ᛬ ᚭ ᛋᛁᚱᚴᛚᛅᚾᛏᛁ ᛬ ᛚᛁᚴᛦ ᛬ ᛋᚢᚾᛦ ᛁᚢᛁᚾᛏᛅᛦ

Latin transliteration

: sbiuti : halftan : þaiʀ : raisþu : stain : þansi : eftiʀ : skarþa : bruþur sin : fur : austr : hiþan : miþ : ikuari : o sirklanti : likʀ : sunʀ iuintaʀ

Old norse transcription

Spjóti, Halfdan, þeir reistu stein þenna eptir Skarða, bróður sinn. Fór austr heðan með Ingvari, á Serklandi liggr sonr Eyvindar.


“Spjute, Halvdan, they raised this stone in memory of Skarde, their brother. From here he travelled to the east with Ingvar; in Serkland lies Öjvind’s son.”


Map showing where the runestone Sö 131 is

